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Wafer - Sandwich Type Excess Flow Check Valves

Wafer-style sandwich-type excess flow check valves are compact and versatile flow control devices designed to prevent the unintentional release of excess fluid in a pipeline. The "wafer" design implies that these valves are lightweight and fit between standard flanges without the need for additional pipe support. The "sandwich-type" construction involves placing the valve between two flanges, creating a compact assembly.
Key Features
Compact Design
Flow Control
Installation Ease
Prevents Unintentional Releases
Pipeline Protection
Minimal Maintenance
Durable Construction
Enhanced Safety
Available in wide range of sizes
Quick Response Time
Reduced Environmental Impact
Long-Term Reliability
Sizes Available - 1/2 Inch to 18 Inch
Body - LCC / LCB /WCB / SS
Disc - SS 304/ SS 316
Stem - SS 304/ SS 316
Retainer - SS 304/ SS 316
Spring - Spring Steel / SS 304 / SS 316
Pressure Class - #150 , #300
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